Employee Assistance Program - EAP
One in two people will suffer a mental illness in their working life.
Support your employees in difficult phases of their lives during crises and everyday challenges.
Over 400 companies of various industries & sizes trust voiio
EAP: A wide range of services in one module -
from psychological and social counseling to bereavement support
Psychische & Physische Gesundheit
8% aller Deutschen sind von Burnout betroffen. Wir sind im Ernstfall für Ihre Mitarbeitenden da und verhindern das Schlimmste.
Suchtgefährdung & Abhängigkeit
4% aller Mitarbeitenden leiden an einer Suchtkrankheit mit gravierenden Folgen. Wir bieten eine Anlaufstelle für Ihre Mitarbeitenden.
Familie & soziales Umfeld
Schicksalsschläge in der Familie gehen uns an und häufig wissen wir nicht, damit umzugehen. Deshalb bieten wir Unterstützung für Ihre Mitarbeitenden.
Arbeitsplatz & Beruf
Die Arbeitswelt ist im Wandel. Doch viele Mitarbeitende fühlen sich durch New Work und Arbeit 4.0 überfordert. Wir begleiten und beraten.
Schulden & Recht
Jede:r elfte Mitarbeitende ist überschuldet. Geldsorgen lassen viele Mitarbeitende nicht schlafen. Wir beraten professionell und zeigen einen Weg aus der finanziellen Krise.
Our nationwide network of experts and partners
Thanks to our broad network of experts and partners, we can support your employees throughout Germany with personal advice and assistance in all situations and phases of life as part of our Employee Assistance Program.
A wide range of offers free of charge and directly bookable on one platform.
A non-binding consultation – get to know voiio
Free trial access to our digital platform
Our services for the well-being of your workforce at a glance
Find out in just 15 minutes,
how voiio can help you.
voiio has 4.8 out of 5 stars from over 100 reviews on Google.
How your employees benefit from our EAP offers
are grateful to their employer for the support
improved their mental health
felt more balanced through the use of
increased their ability to concentrate
EAP rethought
What sets us apart from traditional providers?
Our Employee Assistance Program is completely digital and easy to use – from anywhere.
Your employees decide for themselves which services are best suited to their needs.
They are supported by our experienced team of experts, who are available around the clock.
What sets us apart
We find the right support, individually for every personality profile and every life situation.
voiio platform is characterized by an innovative and user-friendly design that makes it easy to use.
Our experts bring different perspectives, experiences and skills to the table and can therefore support your diverse team in the best possible way.
We attach great importance to quality and ensure that carefully trained and tested staff are available for you.
Discover our core areas
Our four core areas holistically strengthen compatibility – in every situation and phase of life.
Everything about voiio
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